The Deschesnes Bio
Alcide Deschesnes is a mechanical engineer as well an MBA graduate. He possesses a sound understanding of physics and mechanics and is self-learned in the area of biomechanics, sports movement and functional sports training.
An accomplished athlete, he is now an avid golfer and like most golfers, is working on honing his game.
The Deschesnes Story
I started Dynamic Inertia Performance Inc. in Dec 2021. But the true genesis for ONE (the brand product) started back in 2007 when my brother developed the idea of Dynamic Inertia. We early on knew it was a game-changer. We worked together to build and test our prototype on ourselves and friends – an exciting endeavor considering he was working as a physician while I held an engineering job!
Golf is undoubtedly one of most engaging and exasperating sports out there. Nevertheless, by developing my own product related to this noble sport, it provided an invaluable opportunity to rapidly gain expertise in its many complexities.
We spent a lot of time and resources on research and development and were at the early stages of bringing ONE to market. Tragically in 2010 my brother fell ill and passed away in 2011.
After his passing, I struggled to move forward with our brilliant project. It wasn’t until 2017 that I found it within myself to honor and commemorate him through this idea – too good not be brought into fruition. Despite loss, I overcame personal grief so that what once was a vision could become reality.
You wake up in the morning – what’s the driving passion?
My brother was convinced we were going to revolutionize sports training with our Dynamic Inertia Technology, and it is incredibly rewarding to witness this innovative concept finally come alive in the marketplace. It’s an exciting moment and it serves as an inspirational reminder that with hard work and dedication, anything can be achieved.
What was the genesis for Dynamic Inertia Performance?
My brother Jimmy, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and determined to stay physically active, was the spark behind the Dynamic Inertia concept.
His research into overspeed/underspeed training as well as products like speed chains, Versa Pully and Keiser were the inspiration that resulted in our simple yet effective product.
What kind of impact did the global pandemic have on your sales efforts and how do you see the company faring in ’23?
Despite the global pandemic, feedback and visibility at the 2022 PGA Show was still outstanding. However, supply chain delays as well as increased material costs meant that our development and production were severely hindered.
It wasn’t until late summer 2022 when we finally got back to business-as-usual in producing product again; yet unfortunately too late to capitalize on any of the momentum from earlier show efforts. 2023 is the foundational year before reaching a pivotal point in our product’s mainstream adoption.
Our mission this upcoming year remains centered on educating customers and increasing consumer engagement, setting us up for an explosive take off by late 2023.
When people see the brand – ONE – what one word do you want them to associate with it?

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Who is your customer and what steps are you taking to widen visibility and brand identity?
My customer is the golfer who is serious about improving their game by bettering themselves.
To expand the ONE brand’s reach, I’m leveraging a multitude of channels. This includes attending events like PGA shows to get in front of key people in golf as well as utilizing social media for marketing purposes. As a key asset, my website serves both to demonstrate our technology through visuals and provides conviction-inducing testimonials from reputable golf trainers.
Additionally, sale agents are aiding with breaking into pro shops nationwide while I personally contact prospects through cold calls and follow-up emails.
To solidify its identity as an unparalleled product, we are conducting research with top golf kinesiologist to confirm the performance of our innovation among amateur and professional golfers.
Is your target audience at this point primarily those on the instruction side?
Yes, the road to widespread adoption often begins with careful nurturing by early adopters. Coaches understand how to best use ONE and are more open-minded when it comes to trying out new training aids – making them key players in connecting the Dynamic Inertia technology advances toward avid golfers and other golfers alike.
These golf instructors are a crucial component in ensuring the validity of ONE – standing out among countless other products offering similar claims.
Your brother passed away just over ten years ago. What do you think he would say about your efforts in continuing forward with the company?
From an early age, I had the privilege of having my older brother as a guiding influence in life. He instilled within me to take on any hardship or challenge with enthusiasm and resilience – something that has stayed true throughout this trying journey.
No matter what lies ahead, I am sure he will be looking down at me proudly for continuing through it all – even if its outcome isn’t always certain.
If you could change one thing in golf unilaterally, what would it be and why?
If you could flick a switch on the mentality of golfers, they would train their bodies and minds rather than simply trying to buy a better game via equipment.
Equipment is simply a tool to assist in performance but training your body and mind are what most golfers should ingrain daily for sustainable improvement and performance. Try to be the best version of yourself.
The biggest challenges, short and long term, facing the company are what? And what strategies are you implementing in dealing with both?
Differentiating ONE from the multitude of speed training products on the market is one of our biggest short-term challenges. With so many speed training products currently available, it’s essential that we set ONE apart from the crowd. Our strategy involves getting our innovative technology into the hands of top coaches and accumulating feedback to support its effectiveness.
Recognizing the potential of our product and its need for credibility, we sought out Martin Chuck, founder of Tour Striker Golf, to help grow ONE’s reputation. Not only has he been instrumental in elucidating the nuances of our product – his vision takes it even further; enlarging on ideas that we hadn’t anticipated! We also plan on creating similar content with other recognized trainers.
Our long-term goal is to establish the ONE brand and the Dynamic Inertia technology from a niche concept into the go-to-choice for athletes and trainers looking to maximize their performance across multiple sports. To secure this success, it’s essential that we continue to be innovative in our product development and continue researching the science behind sports performance.
Best advice you ever received – what was it and who was it from?
To live a fulfilled life, you need to take on responsibility. Whether it is taking charge and trying to start a company or trying to be the best, dad, partner & friend I can be.
You need to take on that responsibility and truly own it, both the good and the bad. That is the only way you can have control over it.
This came about from the deep conversations I regularly have with a good friend of mine: Firas Ali.
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