- December 15, 2018Rolex Women's World Rankings Archive for 2018
- December 13, 2018Controlling your swing with the rotation of your upper body
- December 10, 2018Discover Madeira has launched a marketing campaign designed to highlight the beautiful award-winning archipelago.
- December 10, 2018Golfers heading to Malaga in search of warm weather can benefit from new top-of-the-range rental clubs.
- December 9, 2018Has there been a more iconic round of golf played in the course of winning a major championship?
- December 9, 2018Standings updated for the week ending 09/12/18
- December 9, 20182019 European Tour Race To Dubai Weekly Ranking for the week ending 09/12/18
- December 9, 2018Week ending 09/12/2018
- December 9, 2018Rankings for the week starting 10/12/18
- December 5, 2018The low spinny pitch and the super-soft, high-flying flop shot.