Interview with Mike Quaid

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CEO, Boomer Naturals
Posted on
February 27, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Backgrounder --

Mike Quaid received both of his undergraduate and graduate degrees in the State of Illinois and has an MBA from the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Business. Quaid began his career in accounting, later transitioning to the financial trading space in Chicago and London, where he spent 25 years before retiring to Arizona. He has three sons and a beautiful wife, who graciously allowed him to come out of retirement a year ago to start Boomer Naturals. 

Interview with Mike Quaid, CEO Boomer Naturals

The Quaid Story --

I feel like I was born with an entrepreneurial spirit, which ultimately led me to the trading industry. At the time, derivative trading products were in the infant stages and opportunities were abundant. I retired after 25 years in the financial trading space, but I recently started to miss the passion of running a business. This inspired me to look for investment opportunities in developing industries that I could become involved in. After meeting with the initial founders of Boomer Naturals and finding an interest in the exploding CBD and wellness markets, I knew I had to invest. Getting involved in the management of this new company made me as excited as I felt back when I left accounting for the business of derivatives trading.


You wake up in the morning -- what's the driving passion?

My driving passion is the 400+ investors that had the faith to invest in our ideas and vision for Boomer Naturals. Every day I strive to push our company forward to help educate and attract consumers to our product lines who want a natural alternative to medications they currently use. Helping people live better, healthier lives is our mission.

Interview with Mike Quaid, CEO Boomer Naturals

What was the genesis for Boomer Naturals Golf CB5?

Golf CB5 was created by a neurosurgeon, Mark Chewoji, who sits on our Wellness Advisory Board. The formula was the perfect solution for golfers who wanted the benefits of CBD, but were unsure of their ethicality due to FDA concerns regarding CBD.

In what ways does the product surpass your key competitors?

We are lucky to have created a product that stands alone in Golf CB5. Unlike CBD, Golf CB5 has no FDA regulatory issues. Additionally, Golf CB5 has a greater impact on our ECS system than CBD alone, as it impacts all known receptors in the ECS as opposed to one.

How did the golf market come on your radar screen?

Golfers are always dealing with pain - I see it at my own golf club. For many, it’s a bad back, sore wrist or bum knee, but it can also be the emotional pain of first-tee jitters or a 3-foot putt on the 18th green. Natural alternatives like Golf CB5 work to balance the body’s internal regulatory system and can aid with many of those problems. The ability for our products to alleviate golfers’ daily struggles is really what drew us to the golf space.

Interview with Mike Quaid, CEO Boomer Naturals

In rough percentage terms -- what is your emphasis areas between online sales, green grass shops and brick and mortar retail outlets?

We believe very strongly in supporting the PGA Professional and our sales reflect that. As of now we see about 50% of our sales in green grass shops with the other 50% coming from online.

How much of an education effort have you done and are doing regarding the benefits of your product?

Educating consumers is of utmost importance to Boomer Naturals. We have been very aggressive with advertising and educating through seminars, our website, email campaigns and the PGA Magazine network. In the golf world we reach general managers, golf pros, teaching pros and consumers both in person and through print media via this network. Additionally, we are currently running TV ads featuring our PGA Tour Champions player, Brandt Jobe.

Who are your customers?

Golf CB5 is for the active adult searching for natural relief from the daily rigors of life. Golf CB5 can help manage pain, inflammation, stress and anxiety. We also provide options for those who want to increase their energy and focus, stabilize their mood or aid in their sleep cycles.

Many companies tout the importance of customer service. Define the term and the approach you plan on taking.

We have a strong customer service aspect to our company, which is about to accommodate customers on a 24/7 basis as our consumer base expands. Helping our customers with questions or concerns is paramount to maintaining a strong, loyal consumer base.

Interview with Mike Quaid, CEO Boomer Naturals

If you could change one thing in golf unilaterally -- what would it be and why?

Ultimately, I want people to feel better and play more. With Golf CB5, people can feel better, physically and emotionally. But, In order to feel better about the game we all love, I think golf should loosen up some of the restrictions. So, if you’re in a divot, roll it onto the fairway. If you lose one OB, drop it in play. If you prefer to listen to music and leave your shirt untucked, go for it!

The biggest challenges -- short and long term for Boomer Naturals -- is what?

The biggest short-term challenge for Boomer Naturals is getting out the word and educating consumers about our products and what they do. We are fortunate to have partnered with fantastic manufacturers and our long-term challenge will involve maintaining our high quality products and customer service as our consumer base continues to expand.

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