Think you love golf?

See what one man’s passion accomplished.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Meet Patrick Koenig. His profession is photographer but within his soul is an abiding love of the game of golf.

You won’t see him teeing off this year at The Masters but he just set a record that defies imagination and would likely make even Tiger Woods blush given its enormity.

Koenig just completed a new world record for the most courses played in a single year. How many you ask. Try – 582 different courses via 18-hole rounds. That’s no misprint. Now, think about that. There are 365 days in a year and he played just under two courses a day in a myriad of different weather conditions.

On January 2, 2024 – Koenig played his final round for the world record at Chambers Bay Golf Club in University Place, WA. A fitting venue given the club hosted the national championship of American golf in 2015.

Combine the singular words of passion and golf together and the photograph of a passionate smiling Patrick Koenig is front and center.

Think you love golf?

The Patrick Koenig Story

A wildly enthusiastic golfer who loves to capture through photography the outstanding people, places, and moments that he uncovers through the game of golf.

Over his lifetime, he’s had the opportunity to photograph some of the world’s most famous golf courses and his belief is that every great photograph tells a story.

These stories and photographs have been featured on the pages of GOLF, Golf Digest, The Golfer’s Journal, and countless other publications.

Like the famed movie hero Indiana Jones, Koenig has a passion for golf that has taken him to an array of different locales.

The just concluded feat commenced January 2023 and the routing, planning, scheduling and driving placed a physical toll. Koenig’s regimen of stretching and healthy eating was essential to see maters through to the very end.

His RGV Tour 2.0 raised funds for two important causes – the First Tee Seattle and South Puget Sound.

The 44-year-old resident of Laguna Beach, California will now savor his triumph but the wanderlust is sure to reignite.

In short – stay tuned for the next chapter.


What was the genesis for the idea of setting a new world record for most courses played?

This was born out of a desire to see the golf courses. I love golf courses and this was the best way to see them all. It evolved into something much more.

To be clear – you walked all the courses played – right?

I walked about 70% of the golf courses played. When allowed, I also had a remote- controlled golf cart from Stewart Golf, affectionately known as “Stewie.”

How much physical preparation did you do before starting the effort?

I was in pretty good shape beforehand, Just a daily stretching routine worked for me.

How much notice was given to the courses involved in being part of this activity.

Anywhere from nine months to none at all. Sometimes last-minute rounds would be booked and in other instances the course would have been set for months in advance.

Were there any injuries sustained in doing this?

No injuries at all.

What was the toughest day you encountered when achieving the feat?

Weather related. Sideways rain at Royal New Kent for the entire front nine. RV related: When the stabilizer malfunctioned and kept the RV elevated and stuck in the parking lot of Golfinity in Texas. Caused me to miss my only tee time.

What were the most courses you played in a given day?

I played all four courses at Doral on April 14th.

Curious to know the approximate length of the courses played?

Average length between 6500 and 6700 yards.

Did you use the same clubs for all the courses played and if any were switched out what were the reasons for doing that?

All the same clubs, I did switch out a wedge because of a leading-edge impact on a hidden rock in a hazard.

Now that you set the record – what’s next?

A small break and a trip down the Oregon and California coasts with my girlfriend and her kids. Probably mix in a little golf to help with the golf withdrawals.


For more info go to:

Updated: January 18, 2025