Band Aid – Upper body

Golf Exercises with elasticated band

Reading time: 7 minutes

With nothing more complicated (or costly) than an elasticated band, you can devise a training regimen that will transform your levels of strength and flexibility – with direct and immediate benefits to your golf swing. The GolfBand team have developed this simple and flexible piece of equipment to offer golfers of all age and ability the opportunity to use the concept of resistance training to strengthen and condition golf-specific muscles. In the first of a two-part series, GolfBand ambassador and professional golfer Charlie Clare demonstrates five simple exercises taken from the GolfBand programme designed to strengthen the back, chest, arms and shoulder muscles

Part 1: Upper Body Conditioning Exercises

Out on tour, the pro’s are all using them… Small and portable, the resistance band can be carried in your golf bag ready for a warm-up session or an impromptu workout. There is no easier or more versatile way in which to focus on improving levels of physical strength, flexibility and balance – all of which benefit your swing technique.

Each of the simple exercises devised through GolfBand’s research is proven to be effective for developing and maintaining strength and flexibility in muscle groups specific to golf. Strength is important, but flexibility is the real key – the better your range of motion, the more easily you will be able to make and repeat a sound swing. This is where resistance training really comes into its own; a couple of 20-minute sessions a week is all it takes to make a difference to your levels of flexibility. You may not get to play as often as you would like, but with regular training at home, you will enjoy the flexibility that allows you to produce your best golf more often.

Differing from free weights, the bands allow tension to be maintained throughout each exercise when your muscles shorten and lengthen. A range of bands offer varying degrees of tension, and each one can be adjusted to satisfy individual needs so that you work your muscles differently, which weight machines cannot do.

Lat pull-down works the upper back (Latissumus Dorsim & Tapezius)

Band Aid - Upper body - elastic band exercises

  • Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart. n Hold in your stomach & relax your shoulders.
  • Hold the GolfBand straight above your head with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Take a deep breath in, as you breathe out pull your hands out sideways & your arms down in front of your chest, to about shoulder height.
  • As you breathe in raise your arms again in a controlled manner to return to the starting position
  • Suggested number of reps: 2 x 12-16

Reverse fly works the postural muscles of the upper back (Rhomboids, Trapezius muscles rear deltoids)

Band Aid - Upper body - elastic band exercises

  • Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart. n Hold in your stomach & relax your shoulders.
  • Hold the GolfBand with hands held in front of your chest, arms slightly bent & elbows raised to shoulder height.
  • Take a deep breath in, as you breathe out squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your hands apart out to the side.
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position as you breathe in.
  • Suggested number of reps: 2 x 12-16

The upper back muscle group is the largest muscle group in the upper body. Strengthening these muscles (Traps, Lats & Rhomboids) will help to control the backswing and help a golfer keep a good posture during the swing. The Trapezius is a large muscle that helps to move the shoulder blade and support the arm. The shoulder blades play an important role in the swing as they provide stability for the arms and body and allow mobility to swing the club on plane. Strong shoulders help support your swing, control your club and aid your follow-through.

Double arm bicep curl, works the forearms, shoulders & biceps

Band Aid - Upper body - elastic band exercises

  • Place the GolfBand flat on the floor & kneel on the middle of it
  • Hold the ends of the band in each hand, pulling the band straight up the outside of your legs.
  • With your stomach held in & shoulders relaxed take a deep breath in.
  • As you breathe out bend your arms at your elbows bringing your hand towards your shoulders.
  • Slowly lower to the starting position as you breathe in
  • Suggested number of reps: 2 x 12-16

Strength in your arm muscles will help you to increase your clubhead speed, resulting in increased length off the tee. Stronger arms and wrists also help you play shots around the green and from out of the rough. The large muscle on the back of the arm (Tricep) is responsible for the straightening of the arm. It aids extension and width in the swing, helps with the connection between arm and body and assists in achieving maximum impact between the club and the ball.

Double arm tricep kick back

  • Place the GolfBand flat on the floor & kneel on the middle of it.
  • Sit back onto your heels & slightly lean your torso forward.
  • Keep your stomach held in & your shoulders relaxed.
  • Grip the ends of the band in each hand.
  • Take both arms back keeping the elbows bent; make sure both arms are parallel.
  • With both elbows pointing backwards, take a deep breath in.
  • As you breathe out straighten your arms with the movement coming only from your elbows.
  • Slowly return to the starting position as you breathe in.
  • Suggested number of reps: 2 x 12-14

Chest squeezes

Band Aid - Upper body - elastic band exercises

  • The chest muscles (Pectoral) are the opposing muscle group to the back so, for muscle balance and optimum performance, your chest should also be strong.
  • Place the GolfBand flat on the floor & kneel on the middle of it.
  • Sit back onto your heels & slightly lean your body forward.
  • Keep your stomach held in & your shoulders relaxed.
  • Grip the ends of the band in each hand.
  • Take your arms to shoulder height, keeping the elbows bent at 90 degrees with wrists slightly turned in.
  • Take a deep breath in. As you breathe out cross your arms in front of each other.
  • Slowly return to the starting position as you breathe in.
  • Suggested number of reps: 2 x 10-12

Remember, always cool down

After exercise, it’s important that you ‘train down’ with a period of cooling off.

You should try to perform some light cardiovascular work, perhaps a gentle walk and a series of light stretches for your legs, chest & back muscles.

PRO TIP: Balance is essential at every stage. It’s important to exercise equal and opposing muscles to ensure good muscle and body balance and to exercise dominant and non-dominant sides equally.

When using the GolfBand start an exercise with minimal tension and ensure it is never slack. Maintain tension in the band throughout, and make sure you perform the entire exercise with control and full range of motion to get the full effect of the workout.

Different strengths of GolfBand are available to suit all ages and abilities. Visit for details.

Part 2: Lower body


Updated: February 11, 2023