Masashi (Marcy) Kamoda interview

CEO & Co-Founder PROTOCONCEPT GOLF. Offering amateurs the opportunity to play with prototypes previously exclusive to golf professionals.

Who is Marcy Kamonda?

A Japanese native, has extensive global experience in the golf industry. In the United States, he founded a thriving golf equipment company. As COO, he established a prestigious PGA Tour program that achieved over 100 international professional wins, built a robust sales team, expanded retail distribution, and launched an award-winning line of golf equipment.

Within a decade, he generated significant consumer interest in forged wedges through an extensive advertising and public relations campaign. However, his trajectory changed when the company decided to shut down its North American operations and move to Japan.

During this transition, Yasufumi Kawasaki, the founder of PROTOCONCEPT GOLF, a distinguished luxury Japanese golf club manufacturer, invited Kamoda to join his team and stay in the United States. Kawasaki’s vision of crafting highly specialized golf clubs for amateur and recreational players persuaded Kamoda to accept the role of CEO. Under his leadership, PROTOCONCEPT GOLF has initiated professional golf programs, earned numerous Golf Digest “Hot List” accolades, and has recently established a new office in Orange County, CA.

Masashi (Marcy) Kamoda


What was the genesis for Protoconcept?

Golf manufacturers traditionally create and develop equipment tailored for golf professionals. These specialized clubs and designs, initially offered as prototypes solely for professionals, are not available to amateur golfers. PROTOCONCEPT GOLF emerged from this concept.

The term “PROTO” in PROTOCONCEPT stands for “PROTOTYPE.” Now, amateurs at all skill levels have the opportunity to play with and enjoy the same equipment or prototypes previously exclusive to golf professionals.

What differentiates the products it produces from those already in the marketplace doing similarly?

We manufacture products with high precision and craft each item in small batches.


When you wake up in the morning – what’s the driving passion?

I typically set my daily agendas upon waking up, ensuring that I have a clear plan for the day ahead. Before concluding my workday, I make it a point to complete all the tasks on my list.

In terms of sales results – what’s been the approximate split percentage wise between green grass shops, brick and mortar retail outlets and online efforts?

Our primary clientele consists of premium custom fitting stores because we provide only the club heads, ensuring that all supporters can fit our equipment as seamlessly as tailored suits.


Is the company seeking any elite level professionals to do endorsements of the products?

We do, but we don’t push our products to use.

We usually wait for their requests.

Who is your customer and how are you reaching them?

Our target customer is any golfer looking to enhance their performance. We reach out to our customers with an extensive media plan.

Companies routinely talk about customer service. Define the term and the approach you follow?

We aim to address and support our patrons to the fullest extent possible and strive to thoroughly resolve any issues, although it can be challenging at times.

How is customer feedback encouraged and what role does it play with future designs?

Our customer feedback is predominantly positive. However, if customers wish to see additional performance results beyond our existing ones or seek further improvements, we strive to incorporate all feedback into our new products.

We design all our products in-house without outsourcing. Our goal is to become one of the top true manufacturers.

How important is the North American market and what is your thinking on how best to expand your brand and overall profile.

The North American market is the largest in the world, and its golfers are distinct with exceptionally high demands.

We gain a wealth of knowledge from all our supporters. The feedback and experiences provide valuable assets to the ProtoConcept Golf team.

Biggest challenges short and long term are what? And what strategic game plans are being pursued to deal with each.

The greatest challenges lie in incorporating feedback from both consumer markets and professional tours, as their demands vary. For instance, if consumers desire a higher ball flight, we can increase the launch angle through sole contact and loft adjustments.

However, professional golfers seeking higher ball flights expect additional spin for better control and stopping power on the greens, even under firm conditions.


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Updated: October 8, 2024