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Latest posts from cannabidiol

Oldcorn enjoys new lease of life with Golfer's CBD

Posted 3 years ago
Noticed the benefits within the first few weeks
Oldcorn enjoys new lease of life with Golfer's CBD

Golfer’s CBD has saved my career - maybe even my life

Posted 3 years ago
Now looking forward to a far brighter future
Golfer’s CBD has saved my career - maybe even my life

Matthew turns to Golfer's CBD in pursuit of further success

Posted 3 years ago
CBD positively influences mood, stress response and motor-function
Matthew turns to Golfer's CBD in pursuit of further success

How CBD affects your golf game

Posted 4 years ago
So what is this CBD oil I keep hearing about?
So what is this CBD oil I keep hearing about?

What is CBD and which golfers use it?

Posted 4 years ago
Discover which top players are using CBD to alleviate pain, recover from injury and improve their concentration.

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