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Putting – an Introduction and How to Improve
An introduction to the putting stroke and how to improve this most important part of the short game.

Northwood Golf Club – Let us Take a Look
Northwood Golf Club in Middlesex, England, Video reviews of this established club just north of London, A true members club with a warm visitor welcome.

Indoor putting practice: Left side is King
Putting is the one part of your game you can still improve even if the weather is poor

Tick Tock – Clockface Wedge Distance Principle
To properly control your landing distances you need to control your rhythm

Posture is the key to putting
Standing correctly to the ball is the foundation of my putting instruction

Taking Sand After Impact
Why taking sand after the ball is as important as what you take before it.

How to put the power back in your game… the secret is speed!
It’s all about generating speed through the correct movement in the swing

Are you making the connection? Putting tips
The quickest route to lower scores is to improve the quality of your putting stroke

Seeing the Invisible Line
Guide to reading greens for better golf putting

Beach Break – Reading Greens
How to read greens by Dr Paul Hurrion

Covering all the Angles
What snooker can teach us about putting by Dr Paul Hurrion

Fresh Thinking Golf Part 2
Pitching an idea

Fresh Thinking Golf Part 1
Long Game

Take control of your putting
Four key perspectives

Pitching Lesson
Develop a basic golf pitching technique

Tour Style Chipping
Want to experience some short-game cheer?

Improve your core stability and improve your golf swing
If the pelvis gets out of position, then so does everything else

Energy Efficient – Why a more compact swing will make you a better iron player
The following exercises are designed to help you trim the fat off your iron shots

Rory McIlroy Swing Sequence
His swing is a thing of beauty however you choose to look at it

Height isn’t everything: the shortest professional golfers to grace the game
Some of the game’s shortest golfers have established themselves as the most successful.