
How to put the power back in your game... the secret is speed!

How to put the power back in your game… the secret is speed!

It’s all about generating speed through the correct movement in the swing

Beach Break – Reading Greens

How to read greens by Dr Paul Hurrion

Swing thoughts that will help you to deliver speed and power more effectively off the tee

In order to strike the back of the ball solidly you first have to get fully behind the ball in the backswing

March is TaylorMade for Clubs to Hire clients

March is TaylorMade for Clubs to Hire clients

The new year saw the release of TaylorMade’s M6 range of drivers, fairways and hybrids – and Clubs to Hire (CTH) customers can rent them.

Dynamics of speed - How good players make hitting the ball a long way look easy...

Dynamics of speed

How good players make hitting the ball a long way look easy…