M. James Ward

Written by M. James Ward

A GWAA and MGWA member, the 66-year-old from the USA has covered golf in all facets since 1980, notably the major championships and other high level events. He has played over 2,000 courses globally and has competed in USGA Championships.
M. James Ward

Interview with Art Chou

General Manager of North America for Rapsodo

Interview - Kraig Kann, Kann Advisory Group

Interview with Kraig Kann

Founder & Managing Director, Kann Advisory Group

Architecture - Wynn Golf Club, Las Vegas

Grade “A” Architecture

Wynn Golf Club, Las Vegas, Nevada

Architecture - Desert Highlands GC, Scottsdale, Arizona

Grade “A” Architecture

Desert Highlands Golf Club, Scottsdale, Arizona

Interview with Marc Simon

PGA Golf Exhibitions, Event Vice President

Interview with John McLaughlin, CEO North & West Coast Links Golf Ireland

Interview with John McLaughlin

CEO North & West Coast Links Golf Ireland

Where is golf headed in 2020? Club pros assess the game

Where is golf headed in 2020?

Club pros assess front lines ahead of PGA Merchandise Show

Interview with Mark Wagner - President, Club Car

Interview with Mark Wagner

President, Club Car

Interview with Gary Livesay - Founder, USA Grass Golf

Interview with Gary Livesay

Founder, USA Grass Golf

Interview with Steve Bosdosh, Tour Angle Training Products

Interview with Steve Bosdosh / Tour Angle

PGA/GOLF Magazine Top 100 Teacher, Co-inventor/brand endorser, Tour Angle Training Products

Interview - Jan Bel Jan - President of the ASGCA

Interview with Jan Bel Jan

President of the American Society of Golf Course Architects

Grade “A” Architecture

Reynolds Lake Oconee, Great Waters Course

Interview with Jay Hartenbach

CEO Medterra CBD

Architecture - Braemar Golf Course - Minnesota

Grade “A” Architecture

Braemar Golf Course, Edina, Minnesota

Ozarks National opens

Big Cedar Lodge features Crenshaw & Coore design

Course Review - Wynn GC - what is your emphasis point?

Is Wynn Golf Club a win?

Answer depends on desired emphasis

Q&A with Eric Romero, Twin Dolphin Club

Q&A with Eric Romero

Head Golf Professional, Twin Dolphin Club, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Q&A with Andy McMahon, Adare Manor

Q&A with Andy McMahon

Director of Golf Operations, Adare Manor, Limerick, Ireland

Martin Ebert weighs in on Royal Portrush - Looking back at the 148th Open Championship

Martin Ebert weighs in on Royal Portrush

Looking back at the 148th Open Championship

Shane’s road - then and now- Resilience brings home Claret Jug

Shane’s Road – Then & Now

Resilience brings home Claret Jug