Indoor putting practice: Left side is King
Putting is the one part of your game you can still improve even if the weather is poor

How to put the power back in your game… the secret is speed!
It’s all about generating speed through the correct movement in the swing

Are you making the connection? Putting tips
The quickest route to lower scores is to improve the quality of your putting stroke

Beach Break – Reading Greens
How to read greens by Dr Paul Hurrion

Improve your ‘lag’ for a more dynamic swing
Focusing on the transition into the downswing

Improve your swing DNA
Drills to help you balance the natural traits in your swing and give you a few of the traits of world-class ball strikers

Open Secret – Reading greens with subtle slopes
The key to holing those critical four-footers lies in the ability to ‘see’ the deviation from a straight line

Chip Yip – Solving golf chipping problems
‘Ball back, hands forward, weight forward’ used to be a coaching standard

Roll Model – Putting advice from Rory McIlroy & Dr Paul Hurrion
How can you hope to reduce your handicap if you don’t practice with the one club you use most often

Hitting the Highs and Lows – High Flop Shot & Low Knock Down
The low spinny pitch and the super-soft, high-flying flop shot.

On balance this is better – simple chipping drill
Try this simple drill to improve your chipping technique.

Perfect pitching – Get the moves like Stricker
Some thoughts on how to control your spin, distance and trajectory in the wedge game, based on a U-shaped swing that produces pin-point accuracy.

The Professional Touch – The Golf Chip Shot
Identifying your landing area – and visualising the ball running to the hole from that point on the green – is the tour player’s secret…

Logical Golf – Lesson 14
Use the right-hand swish drill to fine-tune your sense of rhythm

Logical Golf – Lesson 13
Why the right shoulder must work ‘under’

Logical Golf – Lesson 12
How fancy footwork enables you to ‘fire’ the right side

Logical Golf – Lesson 11
How to Tiger-ise your swing

Logical Golf – Lesson 10
The perfect example of generating energy with the body ‘core’

Logical Golf – Lesson 9
A valuable lesson from Jack Nicklaus

Logical Golf – Lesson 8
Use these images to visualise the dynamic inside track